Minimum education: Strata 1 (e.g. in Hospitality, Hotel Management, or Business Management)
Minimum managerial experience: At least 3 years as an Assistant Manager.
an outstanding track record (e.g. Employee of the Year) in the field of
Sales and Marketing, Operational, Customer Service, HRD and GA,
Business Development and/or Finance and Accounting.
Must enjoy classical music and preferably have studied or taken music lessons in the past
Age range: Between 25-40 years old
Skills and Requirements:
1. Expert in formulating strategic and operational plans based on a
solid understanding of the company’s mission and market trend and demand
Expert in designing and managing a project plan – and then to
effectively and efficiently deliver a successful completion within the
allocated time and budget.
3. Great leadership skill
4. Excellent communication, interpersonal and lobbying skill (HRD and GA skills included)
5. Analytical, detailed, organized, yet creative/big-picture oriented mind
6. Responsible, honest and hard-working
7. Fluent in English in speaking and writing.
8. Have mastered the basic use of computer ( Microsoft word, Excel, Powerpoint, dll)
Be responsible for the effective operational management, marketing and
PR, HRD, and finance, tax and accounting of the company, i.e. to carry
out all responsibilities with highest standards. Report to Owner and
Director of the company.
Submit your application along with CV, photo, diploma(s), transcript(s), certificate(s), and
reference letters from past/current employers to:
Company profile
Age of company: Brand new
Location: South Jakarta
Nature of company: Private Music Education
Sukaryo International Music School adalah sekolah musik private yang
memiliki fasilitas terbaik di Indonesia. Berikut ini beberapa fasilitas
dan keunggulan TSIMS:
- Sekolah musik non gelar (tempat kursus)
yang menggunakan grand piano terbanyak di Indonesia. Piano berkelas
dengan merek: Bosendorfer, Grotrian Steinweg (pendiri Steinway), Ibach,
Schiedmayer, Richard Lipp, Yamaha, etc.
- Pertama dan satu-satunya sekolah musik non gelar di Indonesia yang memiliki recital hall akustik kelas dunia.
- Staff pengajar berpengalaman dari luar dan dalam negri yang bertaraf International.
- Di atas bangunan 5 lantai dengan gaya klasik-modern yang indah – fully renovated to its perfection.
- 2 aula resital
- 3 ruang
- 14 piano studio kedap suara
- Akses internet/computer
- Self service cafetaria
- Tempat parkir luas
- Berada di kompleks shopping mall Jakarta Selatan
- Kunjungan rutin bintang tamu dari luar negri untuk memberi masterclass dan konser di TSIMS
TSIMS merupakan lembaga pendidikan dan juga performance center.
Performance dari siswa-siswi, para guru, artist dari dalam maupun luar